Path leading to the beach

Nearing the beach
After over 20 years I am finally back home. Home is Duluth, Minnesota and I am thrilled. That feeling will probably change once winter sets in.
In 1990 I left Duluth to live in St. Paul with hubby #2. He promised me some day we would come back. We lived in St. Paul until October 2005. At that time he retired from the State of Minnesota and we closed our used bookstore. We sold some of our belongings and headed to San Diego, California for three years.
We loved San Diego and the weather was perfect. The main problem was we had no family there.
Our next journey took us to Houston Texas area. We spent 15 months there. While we had family the weather was horrible. We hated the heat and humidity. As I watched my sister spend time with her son and grandchildren my homesickness increased.
I missed my children, my sons , step children and my 13 grandchildren. I missed the hugs and kisses from my boys and being able to see and hug my grandchildren.
So we came home to Duluth. We sold more belongings and have settled into a tiny duplex. BUT I am in Duluth and best of all I am on the shores of Lake Superior.
As a child I played on the shores of Lake Superior. As a young teen I sun bathed on the beach and had beach parties with friends.
We have been here for a little over two weeks. I am still unpacking and making piles of belongings that can go out the door. I want to rid myself of so much of the material clutter in my life.
Once we settle in I want to do what is important to me.
1. Spend time with my family
2. Spend time on the beach enjoying the lake and the view of the city
3. Working on my genealogy research
4. Sharing the beauty and even some of the not so beautiful of Duluth and the Duluth area through photos.
I hope that you will visit again as I share my life through photos.... Grace